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Dance Class

eMpower Corps Membership

Are you ready to enhance your dance performance, boost your energy, and achieve lasting results through personalized nutrition? Join the Corps Membership, designed for dedicated dancers like you who understand that sustainability with food + nutrition habits takes time.

why choose the

eMpower Corps Membership?

Sustainability is the key to lasting success in optimizing your performance as a dancer. Achieving and maintaining peak performance requires consistent, well-informed food and nutrition habits that work FOR you. As an eMpower Corps Member, you gain access to ongoing nutrition support that is designed to nurture your journey over time. You receive expert guidance and personalized sessions that help you develop sustainable food and nutrition habits to enhance your energy, stamina, and overall well-being, allowing you to shine onstage today and in the years to come.

Cost-Effective Ongoing Nutrition Coaching

A 6-month commitment gives you the time and support needed to make meaningful adjustments to your food + nutrition habits to begin seeing the benefits in your dancing.

Personalized Nutrition Plan for Your Goals

You’ll received a personalized nutrition plan customized to your day-to-day needs, energy requirements, and helps you achieve your goals.

Access to Master Classes

Enjoy free access to upcoming Master Classes. These classes will cover essential topics like performance nutrition basics, cooking/meal prep, injury prevention, sleep support, stress management, and more.

Discounted Online Programs

Gain access to online meal guides and recipe books at a discounted rate. Keep fueling your dance journey with delicious, dance-friendly recipes.

Tailored Shared Resources

Your nutrition plan and shared resources will be personalized to your unique goals. Whether you're focusing on stamina, recovery, or other aspects of your dance performance, we have the resources you need.

And More!

Join by January 31, 2024 for a surprise gift!


Additional sessions and more personalization to your Corps Membership is available depending on your needs and goals.

1:1 Coaching Client

"Working with Melissa, I feel like I have learned and started to internalize that food + nutrition habits don't have to be perfect every day. It's about consistency over time, not perfection."

what's included in the

eMpower Corps Membership?

The Dance Nutrition Basics

Learn the Dance Nutrition Basics and apply the eMpower performance method into your existing daily schedule. No room for 180-degree, unsustainable habits here!

Initial/Intake Session

After your Strategy Session, we'll schedule your Initial/Intake Session. There conversation is all about information gathering and question asking. I want to know as much about you, your dancing, your schedule, etc. as I can because that information the foundation of your personalized nutrition plan.

Ongoing Check-in Sessions

A 6-month commitment gives you the time and support needed to make meaningful adjustments to your food + nutrition habits to begin seeing the benefits in your dancing. Built in check-in sessions are designed to taper off over the course of your membership from weekly sessions to bi-weekly sessions. Don't worry, I'm always available to answer your questions and adding sessions to your membership is an option!

Mindful Accountability

"The only constant is change." This is where mindful accountability is vital to your Corps Membership. Navigating the twists and turns that your dance training and performance (on- and offstage) might bring can be challenging. Rely on Melissa to explore the options + tools available to you to curate your own journey through the ups and downs, landing stronger on the other side.

Lifelong Support

Beyond your initial 6-month commitment, ongoing support options are available and personalized just for you! I recommend bi-weekly or monthly check-ins for continued success and performance longevity. 

Are you ready to enhance your energy, stamina, and overall well-being, so you can shine onstage?

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