What is written below first appeared as a social media post on april 5, 2021. It rings just as true today as it did a year ago and, I imagine will continue to be relevant as time progresses. Please be aware that I do talk about weight, a scale, weighing myself, and the manifestation of my physical + emotional responses in this post.

This is my dancer's body. You have your dancer's body. They are perfect, just as it and you are happy + healthy. we are different, require + desire different things (foods, exercises, rest), yet we have the same fiery passion for the artwork we embody and create. I am grateful for my body, its athletic ability, its perseverance, and supple strength.
I stepped on a scale today and, for the first time in over 10 years, actually looked at that number it displayed up at me. I was shocked. I panicked. this number is not what I had been telling myself and others that I weighed. Tears welled in my eyes. I allowed myself these anxious moments, breathing deeply, and trying my best to hear my partner's comforting and reassuring words - literally my own words repeated back to me. Words that I use when talking to him and other dancers about their own, healthy bodies. I went to brush my teeth and I remembered. I remembered it's just a number. I remembered how strong and beautiful I felt in that tutu on Saturday, how proud I am each time I add 5 lbs to my squats + bench press, and finally I remembered just how much I truly love myself.
Sure that sounds self-centered, but how else can I support and empower other dancers if I don't first do and believe those exact things for myself.
I'm merely taking this moment on my feed for a pause. A pause to remember that what you see on feeds is only a small portion of my, our collective, daily life. That what you may be feeling, going through, or seeing in the mirror, body or self-image-wise, can change. Freedom and bountiful self-love is an option if you really believe it can exist for yourself.
As build my nutrition education + wellness coaching practice, I'm humbly reminded why and how I've chosen this path forward. As I've mentioned before, I'm not a disordered eating specialist, but what I can do is work with you to co-curate a sustainable, empowering health + wellness plan. Reach out if you'd like more information and are ready for your strategy call.